Year 2023 in brief

Kiertokaari Ltd’s vision is to strengthen sustainable responsibility in the North. Our operating model is based on the values of responsibility, client-centeredness, and courage.

We are in charge of waste handling and waste sorting guidance within our operating area. In our partner municipalities, we are also responsible for organizing the transport of bio and packaging waste in urban areas.

Kiertokaari has eight partner municipalities:

  • Hailuoto
  • Ii
  • Kempele
  • Lumijoki
  • Oulu
  • Pudasjärvi
  • Raahe
  • Siikajoki.

In addition the operating area also includes the municipality of Simo. The largest partner is the City of Oulu (91%).

Key numbers from 2023

  • Turnover Eur 16 M
  • Profit for the financial period Eur 350 000
  • Permanent staff 36
  • Residents in the operating area 285 85

Waste received

  • Total amount of waste received: 225 000 tons
  • Amount of urban waste: 89 000 tons

We received altogether 225 116 tons of various materials in 2023. The amount was 9 percent lower than the previous year.

We increased the amount of material recycling of urban waste, i.e. waste produced by households, to 28.1 percent. For the first time, our collection of packaging waste from residential properties was included from July 2023 onwards. In addition, opening the Limingantulli Recycling Centre Likke increased our recycling percentage.

The processing of the urban waste received at Kiertokaari in 2023 (%)

We received 89 314 tons altogether of urban waste, of which 71.9 percent was utilized as energy and for other purposes. The amount of finally disposed waste was so small that the percentage of it was barely above zero.

The amount of total urban waste received by Kiertokaari has decreased since the year 2020. We received 169 kilos of mixed waste per resident from our properties in the year 2023 (186 kg in 2022 and 202 kg in 2021). We received 28 kilos of bio waste per resident in 2023 (27.8 kg in 2022 and 28.6 kg in 2021).

The amount of mixed waste gathered per resident 2021-2023

The amount of bio waste gathered per resident 2021-2023

A year of big changes and learning

The year 2023 was characterized strongly by the changes in the reformed Waste Disposal Act being implemented at the grassroots level. We acquired nearly 10 000 new customers, as the transportation of bio and packaging waste, i.e. recyclable material, was transferred from the residential properties to the municipality. The transition required a great number of work hours and learning new things for our entire company.

The transition was spread out so that of our partner municipalities, Siikajoki and Raahe became part of Kiertokaari’s waste transportation primarily during July. Transportation from housing company residential properties in Hailuoto, Ii, Kempele, Lumijoki and Oulu was commenced in September. Part of the transportation of recyclable material from detached houses was transferred to Kiertokaari already in September, and for others the transition took place later.

The Recycling Centre Likke promoted recycling

We strengthened our position as promoters of recycling by opening a new recycling centre Likke in Limingantulli, Oulu, in April. Recycling centre activities were transferred to us from the City of Oulu.

Waste sorting study: mixed waste contains 38% bio waste

We further promoted material recycling, and we were able to increase the level of material recycling of urban waste we received to 28.10 percent.

We conducted a study of the composition of our mixed waste again after four years, which gave us information about household waste sorting habits. The study revealed that there is plenty of room for improvement: up to 38 percent of the waste sorted into mixed waste bags was bio waste.

Digital development work

We started developing the pilot version of our electronic customer app. The springboard for the application was the “Kierroksia kiertotalouteen” challenge prize.  Additionally, the planning of self-service waste stations was commenced. The goal is to open the first self-service station in Pudasjärvi in the summer of 2024. 

The testing of growth medium products, i.e. soil, was successfully brought to a close.

We employed a record amount of workers

The expansion of our operations was reflected in the increase in the number of our personnel: we employed a record amount of workers, altogether 84 persons, out of which 36 were in a permanent employment relationship.

Our facilities in the Rusko Waste Centre started getting too small, and so we commenced an expansion with horizontal and personnel building firm Valokaari at the Rusko Waste Centre in the summer. Once the expansion is completed, the administration and processing unit personnel working in Rusko will be united under the same roof during the spring of 2024.